Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

Electronic Invoicing On The Upswing Worldwide

switzerland 1It seems that nearly every day, another nation falls in line, like a domino, with other countries that have embraced electronic invoicing. The latest to do so is Switzerland, which recently announced that as of January 1, 2016, suppliers to the Federal Administration with contracts valued at or above 5000 CHF will be required to utilize e-invoices.  Read more...

Survey Reveals Paper Invoicing Overwhelming Company Billing Departments

paper-invoicesAccording to a survey recently released by Canon Business Process Services, a majority of account payable (AP) departments are overwhelmed by the volume of paper and investment of time necessitated by conventional billing practices. The survey also revealed that both elements decrease efficiency while increasing the likelihood for errors and late payments.  Read more...

HP Becomes The First IT Company To Establish Rules Against Exploiting Foreign Laborers

hp migrantsHP, the world’s largest computer manufacturer, has also become a leader in the fight against exploitative labor practices worldwide. In a November 10, 2014 press release, HP announced it will now require direct employment of foreign migrant workers in its supply chain. The additional standard “combines this direct employment requirement with rights relating to worker retention of passports and personal documentation and the elimination of worker-paid recruitment fees,” according to the release. Read more...

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