Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

How EDI Translates Into Supply Chain Precision

efficiencyBritish poet once said, “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” However, when a mistake is made involving a multi-million dollar transaction, even a slight error could transform the most forgiving boss into an angry ogre. Read more...

The Unnecessary Costs Of EDI Document Errors

fixing-exe-errorsPurchase orders and a cacophony of other documents and forms that comprise your supply chain are the lifeblood of transporting your goods from suppliers to your customers. Fortunately, those documents are relatively simple and straightforward. They usually follow a standardized format and include information that has already been defined and collected. In fact, most retailers create the purchase order sent to a supplier as an EDI document via an automated function completed by the company’s ERP system.


Uber Model Could Wreak Uber Upheaval In Supply Chain Logistics

uberAccording to a December 2014 article in the Wall Street Journal, Uber Technologies was valued at a staggering $41 billion. That’s an amazing statistic, especially considering the freelance taxi service owns no inventory to speak of. And, according to Ken Jones, the Director of Education and Applied Solutions at the Western Michigan University Center for Integrated Supply Management, if Uber plays its cards right, it could interrupt supply chain logistics in ways not previously contemplated. Read more...

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