Michael Martz

Michael Martz

What are Your Measurements?

measurementsIf you’re an athlete in almost any sport, you know how you’ll be measured.  In basketball, you have points, rebounds, assists, and steals per game.  Guys at the ‘skill’ positions in football know it’ll be yards per carry, catches, yards per pass attempt, and stuff like that. Baseball, my specialty, has been infused, or some would say overwhelmed, by a dramatic increase in the availability and use of statistics, such as VAR, WHIP, OBP, etc., to measure almost every nuance of the game (thank you Mr. Bill James!). That’s in addition to the standard batting averages, ERA, fielding percentage, etc.


Brainstorm Your Way to Innovation

continuous_improvementIf you work in an eCommerce area, whether it’s with EDI or other technologies, two concepts should be top-of-mind at all times: Continuous Improvement (CI) and Innovation. I’ve written several times about CI, so you should know how passionate I am about it, but I can get even more excited over creating innovative approaches and solutions.

MRO and EDI- a Good Match?


Once you’ve spent the money, time, and effort to comply with a mega-retailer mandate to implement EDI, is your job over? Or have you just taken the first step down the path to full electronic nirvana? Let’s think about that.


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