Michael Martz

Michael Martz

The Power of Diversity

team-building1When you hear the word ‘diversity’, do you normally think about hiring, work practice, and contract issues based on gender, race, or ethnicity? A lot of managers and other employees have participated in diversity training and are aware of what it means and its potential benefits.


What’s on Your Horizon?

sign-right-curve-ahead1How do you stay ahead of the curve? Make the right investment in a system that’ll meet your needs into the future? Hire the right analyst? Decide what classes to take to keep your skills fresh? Since the only real constant in eCommerce is ‘change’, you need to keep your eyes open to identify the big things coming your way. Read more...

Going Up?

elevatorpitchWhen was the last time you spent a couple of unplanned moments with someone who really doesn’t know you but is critically important to you or your team? Did you take advantage of that time, or did you let the moment pass? If you had a great elevator speech, you could have put it to use in that situation. You‘re probably thinking: “what the heck is an elevator speech and what’s an elevator have to do with it anyway?” Let’s get into that.


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