Michelle LaBrosse

Michelle LaBrosse

Clear the Clutter!

office clutterThey have shows on it. Thousands of professionals are hired every year for the sole purpose to get rid of it. Most people hate it, but find a hard time getting rid of it. What am I talking about? Clutter!! Read more...

To PMP® or to Not PMP® – That is the Question

Should I get it now, or should I wait until I have more time to study? What if I study and I don't pass, and wasted all that time for nothing? Will having it actually impact my career, or will there be no change? Read more...

Pursuing Change

changeWhat is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “change”? For many of us, words like “anxious”, “overwhelmed”, or “unknown” pop into our head. Why is it that changes and transitions bring on so much negative energy? One hypothesis is that we may be wired to fear change. Imagine our ancestors in nomadic times as they assessed their surroundings for any sign of change and possible danger, as the two most often went hand-in-hand. Perhaps our DNA is to blame for associating “same” with safety and “change” with danger.


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