Cecil T. Wulfe

Cecil T. Wulfe

Cecil's Reality Check

I had the windows down as I cruised up I-35 toward Minneapolis. Spring was in the air and my thoughts were on... well, let's just say that I was revelling in the fresh air and sunshine. I pulled in for a late lunch at a little downtown restaurant that was recommended to me by a frequent visitor to the Twin Cities.


Cecil faces the Music (City)

I decided to make the run from Memphis to Nashville in time to catch a late meal and some music in one of the too numerous to count clubs that populate the city. Since I needed to be in Nashville at the beginning of June for the UConnect Conference, I thought I would check out the Gaylord Opryland resort, and get an idea of what to expect.


Cecil's Missed (U)Connection

I love driving my car across country. It gives me time to ponder, see the scenery, and discover some great eateries along the way. Most of the time I end up where I need to be, when I need to be there. A lot of that is due to planning long periods of time between my appointments, a luxury I've spent years cultivating. But sometimes the forces of nature, mechanics, and the department of transportation conspire to make me late for meetings that can't be rescheduled. And that's what happened to me a couple weeks ago, when I missed the entire UConnect conference in Nashville.


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