Cecil T. Wulfe

Cecil T. Wulfe

That Darn UOM Problem

thumb UOM image 1I’ve made a lot of friends in my consulting travels, some of whom keep in touch by running various business problems by me. I received a note from one of my old contacts the other day that read like this: Read more...

Your Own Horror Story; How to Avoid It

EDI END 07 SABCAYou've read all five of my horror stories and I hope you've thought about your own business, and to make sure everything is in order. Are all of your systems running as efficiently and as smoothly as you would like? Are there areas that you now see could be a weak spot, areas that you should take a second look at? That's where your thoughts should be leading you at this point. Read more...

Customers Are Not Always Right - Until They Stop Being Customers

EDI STORIES 05 SABCAI was called in to facilitate a confidential EDI productivity meeting with a group of senior management officers from various medium size companies. The meeting was great, right up to the point that I uncovered an alarming similarity. It would seem, at first glance anyway, that these companies had little in common. Each of these companies operated in very different fields. Each one had very different operating budgets, and they all were working hard to meet very different goals. What they did all have in common was a very similar problem. Read more...

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