Super User
Expanded Payment Options Can Help Merchants Boost Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction
- Monday, 16 April 2018
Today’s consumers have more payment options than ever before; beyond credit and debit cards, 37% of North American merchants accept PayPal and Apple Pay, and bitcoin is currently accepted by more than 100,000 merchants worldwide. Furthermore, research by J.D. Power and Fiserv found that billing and payment options can account for 20% or more of customer loyalty and satisfaction scores. Chargebacks911, a leading dispute mitigation and loss prevention firm, examines the evolving payments landscape and outlines how merchants can leverage emerging payment options to their advantage.
Read more...Food Supply Chain in for Some Changes
- Monday, 22 January 2018
2018 will be a year of great change in our food system, reports Food Dive. New technology and processes will change the current process of how food arrives from farm to table safely.
Read more...Reverse logistics will trash your inventory plans
- Tuesday, 12 September 2017
It’s the 4th quarter of the year when retailers are finalizing their stock in anticipation of the holiday season. Historical trends set the stage for quantities, locations, and pricing but a major shift in how consumers consider their own purchase strategies will play havoc with retailers. The problem is with product returns and how consumers now consider their purchases to be temporary.
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Feb 17 2012
Written by Scott Koegler
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