Super User
Are These Challenges Facing You This Year?
- Monday, 18 January 2021
2020 might have come to an end, but the challenges we encountered, most of which were occasioned by the coronavirus pandemic, are still here with us. Although there seems to be some glimmer of hope as the vaccine continues being manufactured, there is an evident increase in political divisions, increasing economic inequality, and challenges in education as well as other sectors. Although these challenges have adversely impacted everyone, not all have faced the same issues. Here are the top challenges facing you this year in the supply chain:
Read more...Get Your Supply Chain Ready for the Holidays
- Monday, 12 October 2020
The 2020 holiday looks different for retailers. The year has had many challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has affected many things. One of the areas that have been affected substantially is the supply chain. However, despite the challenges, sales are projected to increase this year, considering many people have opted to purchase products from e-commerce platforms instead of using brick-and-mortar stores. As the number of e-commerce orders rises, there will be an increase in the type of services, including last-mile package deliveries and transportation and inbound shipment of items, among others. This calls for careful planning and change of strategy in supply chain management.
Read more...Companies Search for Supply Chain Tech
- Monday, 04 May 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has even “old school” businesses searching for technology to improve the supply chain, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Tiffany Parker has always enjoyed catching up with the truckers who haul loads of potatoes from Parker Produce Co., her family’s farm near St. Augustine, Fla.
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Feb 17 2012
Written by Scott Koegler
Feb 13 2019
Written by Scott Koegler
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Jul 18 2017
Written by Super User